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"I have been introduced to George at TDE by a mutual client whose website I have designed, and where TDE was doing the SEO. The client requested I make specific changes to my website, as directed by George. The changes were quick to make and the SEO results showed up on top of Google within days. Since then TDE has done SEO work for dozens of my web design projects with quick success, at very cost-effective prices for our mutual clients. You will not find a more professional SEO company to work with."
Scott Foreman --- Wordpress Website Developer & Digital Marketing .
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"After waiting over 6 months for organic SEO results which never showed up I engaged the services of TDE and within several days was on Google's first page for my choice keywords, related to laser scanning and laser tracking metrology services in Central Florida and now going nationwide. George Pachter delivered very quick SEO results beyond my expectations, and for less money."
Mark Andrews, Pres, --- Florida Based Laser Scanning & Tracking Specialists for Aerospace Industry .